10 Ways to Tackle Imposter Syndrome
I remember it distinctly. It was back in early 2020 and I had just secured my first paying coaching client. She paid upfront for a 3-month 1:1 coaching package with no hesitation, and that's when the feeling hit me... "Oh gosh, she's going to find out that I'm a fraud! She's paid me actual real money, and I won't be able to deliver what I've promised!"
This feeling, despite having spent the previous five years (and several thousand pounds) training in Personal Performance Coaching, NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Group Coaching, and Team Coaching, and having delivered over 100 hours pro bono work (50 of those hours being supervised); never mind my previous 15 years plus experience in the corporate sector. Sound familiar? I was struck with a serious case of Imposter Syndrome…
Simply Psychology defines Imposter Syndrome as, 'An internal experience of self-doubt and believing you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. Despite the objective success in education, experiences, or accomplishments, it is characterized by chronic feelings of fraudulence, incompetence, and inadequacy." It’s something I often recognise in my clients, peers, and friends - insecurities creeping in when the individual is more than qualified to do ‘the thing’ they are doing.
I'm pleased to say that I rarely get hit with Imposter Syndrome now (and that the 3-month coaching program back in 2020 was a success), but this is only because I have developed the tools I need to counteract those old uncomfortable feelings, so I thought I'd share some of them with you here.
1. Let go of perfectionism - it's the killer of confidence and creativity
2. Take a moment to recognise how far you've come since you started
3. Don't "divorce" your life before becoming a business owner - all of your experience is relevant and makes up who you are and the value you can deliver
4. Track your goals so that you know when you have achieved them and take time to celebrate your successes
5. Know that you're not alone - there are plenty of others out there with the same doubts as you, even if it doesn't appear that way
6. Play to your strengths rather than focusing on your weaknesses
7. Reframe negative self-talk - spot it, stop it, and swap it for something more positive
8. Take regular small steps outside of your comfort zone - this will build your confidence
9. Collect testimonials from your clients and keep a folder of lovely things that people say
10. Beware of comparisonitis - only follow those who inspire you and lean into the belief of what is, therefore, possible for you too
Simply put, we can learn all of the business strategies in the world, but if our mindset is not supporting us, we will continue to trip ourselves up and get in our own way. All of us, even those who seem like they are at the absolute top of their game, have moments of self-doubt; the important thing is to recognise when this is happening, call it what it is (our nervous system kicking in and trying to keep us safe), and employ one of the strategies above!
Good luck! Why not let me know which strategy you will use next time you get struck by a serious case of Imposter Syndrome..?
Vicki Messenger helps empower aspiring and early-stage female founders to confidently create, launch and grow lasting and fulfilling businesses. You can find out more about Vicki’s services, along with more articles and heaps of complementary resources at www.vickimessenger.com.
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